Vani Viswanathan is a Delhi-based development consultant who's taking small steps to try to address issues related to gender, specifically women. You can read some of her writings here.
This blog was set up in 2005 when Vani was a gawky teenager studying in Singapore, and has followed her life, education, travels and relationships since. Vani is no longer quite the Chennai girl, but she doesn't know where she belongs, either.
Vani also founded and edits Spark, an online literary magazine that features fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art and photography on various themes each month.
Vani is addicted to music and primarily listens of AR Rahman, The Beatles, and a random mix of rock and pop from the 70s and 80s. She truly believes she should have lived her 20s in the 1970s - she would have definitely been a flower child hippie.
She also loves to read, mostly fiction. She enjoys traveling and gets high from trip planning.
You can reach Vani at
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